What Are The Appropriate Procedures In Discarding Biomedical Waste}

What Are The Appropriate Procedures In Discarding Biomedical Waste


Claire Winters

Any material or object which comes exposed to human or animal fluids, tissue, or waste is classified as biomedical waste or biohazard waste. This can include needles designed to draw blood or give vaccines, tubes used for IVs, latex gloves, bags that hold blood which has been donated, medical instruments used in surgery, and a large list of many other materials. Since these objects could potentially be harmful to the well-being or health of others, there are specific polices that govern the appropriate disposal and cleaning of any object which comes in contact with bodily fluid, tissue, or waste. When you deal with biohazard waste on a regular basis, whether at work or at home, it is important that you know how to correctly dispose of it.

Sharp objects, such as needles, that come in contact with biomedical waste need to be put into containers specifically designed for the intention of proper disposal. They are made of a hard plastic and are tagged with the proper ways to use them and for exactly what objects. The container is manufactured so that after you place the sharp object inside it’s not going to come back out. This safety measure is taken so that you or other people are not subjected to the potential dangers they might bring, including the spread of disease or if you happen to be cut by one of the objects. Once you have filled the plastic container, you should put it in another plastic box for transport, then the bio-waste management company will get it and either clean or discard the items in the box. This provides an extra layer of protection from the sharps as well as the biohazard material they contain.


When you need to dispose of biohazard fluids you should pour the fluids into specific containers made to handle biohazard waste. Generally, the containers intended for bodily fluids are made with bright colors and are marked with an image that shows that the material inside is a biohazard. When the container is full put it in another container as you take it to the spot where it will be disposed. This may be a special lab where you work or perhaps a designated area where a bio-waste management company picks up your facilitys biomedical waste.

Some places will need to get rid of organs or other body tissues, which have to be placed into a bag that is made just for this purpose. Similar to the containers, these bags are going to have bright colors and the same biohazard signs on them, showing their use. Once you have sealed the bag, test it to be sure that it will be able to hold the tissue without opening or breaking. When transporting these tissues either to the facilities incineration or the bio-waste management companies pick up area, you’ll want to set these into a different container just like when transporting bodily fluids or the sharp objects.

Medical instruments and surgical tools that come in contact with biohazard waste aren’t typically discarded. Rather, they’ll be brought to a technician who will be sure the devices are sanitized. This is done with the help of an autoclave, a special machine used for the intention of sterilizing medical and other types of equipment. You must check and recheck to be sure all the medical instruments in that procedure are taken into account, then you may take them to the technician for them to be sterilized.

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What Are The Appropriate Procedures In Discarding Biomedical Waste}

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