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Will my ex girlfriend come back to me? That’s a question you’re asking yourself, isn’t it? It’s normal for a man to wonder about this after a break up if he’s still crazy in love with his ex girlfriend. Obviously you can ask her straight out if she still has feelings for you or if she wonders about what it would be like to get back together, but that sets you up for not only a lot of embarrassment, but added rejection too. There’s a better way to determine whether you stand a fighting chance with your ex. Take the necessary steps to make sure you’re irresistible to her again. Regardless of why you two broke up in the first place, you can get her back and more in love with you than ever before.
If you’ve been asking the question, will my ex girlfriend come back to me, think of the reasons why she wouldn’t. There has to be a reason why you two broke up. If she was the one who dumped you it might be tempting to point the finger of blame solely and directly at her. Now is not the time to do that. Honestly look at your own behavior in the days and weeks preceding the relationship’s downfall. What were you doing that added to her desire to end things? No cutting corners with this. Be blunt and truthful with yourself. When you determine what those things were, you need to change them. You can’t simply tell her that you’re going to change. You need to show her. Work on improving your negative qualities. Show your ex that you have learned from your mistakes.
Respecting her needs is essential if you want to get her to come back to you. If your ex has told you that she needs some time away from you, give her that. Don’t bombard her with telephone calls or letter proclaiming your deep and undying love and devotion. That’s the last thing she needs. What she does need is to know that you can put her before yourself. Give her exactly what she is asking for. If she wants to be friends instead of lovers, become the best friend to her that you possibly can. Once you show her that you want the same things she does, she’ll feel closer to you again.
During this time always be hard at work highlighting the qualities she loved most about you. She fell completely in love with you once and you need to show her that you’re that same man now. You have the upper hand because you already know what appeals most to her. Work on those things and she’ll soon notice that you’re still very much the man she fell in love with.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/breakups-separation-articles/will-my-ex-girlfriend-come-back-me-how-make-sure-she-does-54848.html
About Author:
Saying or doing the wrong thing can impact your future with the woman you love. If you still need and want her don’t leave your future with her to chance, there are ways to win her back.Author: Gillian Reynolds