Avebury Stone Circle Does It Have Magical Powers?

Avebury Stone Circle Does it have magical powers?



Avebury is the site of an ancient monument consisting of a large henge. Its construction was spread over several centuries beginning about 3000 BC. Avebury stone henge is part of a wider complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments. Experts can t agree on what the henge is or why it was built, but legends and magical myths surround the stone circle at Avebury.

Some people believe the stones to have supernatural powers, and that they can evoke spirits. There have been some strange sightings in the locality of the stones. Small figures have been seen moving within the stones in the moonlight, and a woman called Edith Olivier heard music and saw lights amongst the stones whilst driving through the village at night. She took the lights to be those of a fair. Were these sightings spirits or faeries as legends would have us believe?


When electronic items are used near the ancient ley lines that run through the village they mysteriously fail. The magical ley lines are known as Michael and Mary, and cross near the stones in the southern part of the circle.

Avebury Ring has a megalith inside the main ring called The Devil’s Chair, this stone forms part of Avebury’s southern gateway. This vast stone has a natural seat on one side that gives the stone its name and is extremely popular with tourists as a photo opportunity. The Devil’s Chair stone weighs around 60 tons and measures 14 feet wide by 13 feet tall.

Some people say that the Devil s Chair has mystic powers. Above the seat like ledge is a gulley known as a ‘chimney’, which is said to mysteriously emit smoke at different times.

Locals say that running around The Devil’s Chair Stone one hundred times anti-clockwise, will summon up supernatural powers or even the devil. Whilst other stories say that if you dance around the stone 13 times at midnight you’ll see the devil sitting on the chair.

Young girls for hundreds of years have sat on the devils stone ledge as part of a fertility rite. When you sit on it you will observe the rising midwinter sun at the start of the winter solstice straight in front of you. The stone is said to have magnetic qualities and preliminary research reports reductions of pain in women with chronic refractory pelvic pain using magnet therapy.

So is the old stone henge in Avebury magical? Can the devils chair really evoke the devil? From visiting the area you can see why these legends might have come about. It is quite amazing how people from the past have erected such a monument without any heavy machinery, which is quite magical in

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